APMS 2012

APMS 2012

The APMS 2012 Conference was successfully held at the Rodos Palace hotel, Rhodes, Greece 24-26 September 2012. It attracted more than 250 delegates and was sponsored by the IFIP WG 5.7 and co-sponsored by the ATHENA Research & Innovation Centre and the Hellenic Maintenance Society. The APMS 2012 theme was “Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services“.

The conference programme (see also the APMS 2012 booklet) comprised 36 sessions organized in 4 parallel streams, with several special sessions, including an industry panel session and 7 plenary talks from leading experts from academia and industry. The conference was preceded by the APMS PhD workshop and the annual IFIP WG5.7 meeting. The current state of the art in Manufacturing, Production Management and associated Enabling Technologies was presented and lively discussions and debates attracted the interest of the delegates, coming from 31 different countries across the globe. The unique mixture of attractions in Rhodes, together with a dense program with presentations from leading experts around the world offered the backdrop for a successful conference, supporting the strengthening of networking and the creation of synergies among the thriving IFIP WG5.7 community. Photos from the Conference are available here.


The winners of the Burbidge awards for 2012 are:

  • Prof. Dimitris Mourtzis: best paper award
  • Dr Morten Lund: best presentation

The award for the best PhD research paper during the APMS 2012 PhD workshop was awarded to Ms Elzbieta Pawlik.

The editing of the final Springer Publication from the APMS 2012 is ongoing. Final papers were required to conform to the Springer guidelines.


The details are:

Title of Series: “IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology” (IFIP AICT, Series ISSN: 1868-4238).
Title of the Book: “Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services: Proceedings of the APMS 2012 Conference, Advances in Production Management Systems”.
Editors: Emmanouilidis, C., Taisch, M., and Kiritsis, D.

Next steps:

  1. Full papers sent to reviewers (completed).
  2. Review notification by 17/12/2012 (completed).
  3. Final Camera – Ready papers (Springer format, source and final files)
    submitted by authors by 18/1/2013.
  4. Edited content and copyright forms submitted to Springer – Springer takes over and assigns ISBN.
  5. Springer contacts corresponding authors for paper checking (only editing updates).


Advances in Production Management Systems