Sun. September 5, 2021 - Thu. September 9
Nantes, France, Online

Sun. September 5, 2021 - Thu. September 9, 2021
Nantes, France, Online

Advances in Production Management Systems

506 Participants

Artificial Intelligence
for Sustainable and
Resilient Production Systems
Latest Updates
  • Conference days are here!!

    The conference started today. We already have around 500 registered participants, 6 exceptional keynote speeches and 378 selected best papers from 540 submitted are in the program. Join us for the opening ceremony tomorrow and for all the programmed activities afterwards. We are looking forward to seeing you 🙂

  • The conference proceedings are now available!!!

    We are glade to announce that the conference proceedings of the IFIP APMS 2021 conference are now available on the Springer website, Please note that free-access is activated only if you access the link through the "PROCEEDINGS" page and will be activated for approximately four weeks

  • Preliminary program and conference booklet are available!!!

    We are glade to announce that the preliminary program of the IFIP APMS 2021 conference as well as the conference booklet are now available on the web site, please visite the "CONFERENCE PROGRAM" Tab for more details.

  • Conference will be Online!!

    The conference will be virtual, we invite you to register and participate. We already have around 450 registered participants, 6 exceptional keynote speeches and 378 selected best papers from 540 submitted are in the program.

  • IJPR 60th anniversary !!

    At the conference we will also celebrate the 60th anniversary of the International Journal of Production Research. https://lnkd.in/dAUryUQ

  • Registration is now open!!! Early-bird registration Until July 15th, 2021

    Conference registration is now open. Please visit the "Registration" page to register for the conference. At least one author should register before the early registration deadline (July 15th, 2021) for their paper to be included in the proceedings.

  • Notifications are sent!! Revision deadline June 18th, 2021

    We received more than 1200 reports for the reviewing process, thank you for all you contributions. All notifications are now sent, please check the recommendations carefully when revising your papers ( until June 18th, 2021). Papers that fail to respect the Springer template (see "submission" tab) or exceed the 10 page limit will not be considered for proceedings

  • Update on the status of the review process (May 30th, 2021)!

    The review process was delayed and is still going. In this regard, the program commette needs more time to finalize processing all reviews and decisions, so we are obliged to postpone the notification date until May 30th. Notifications will be sent gradually For papers that are already processed. We apologize for any inconvenience and we thank you for your support, patience and understanding

  • Submission deadline extended until April 11th, 2021!!!

    We have received numerous requests from authors regarding extending the submission deadline for APMS 2021 conference. Thank you all for your interest and contributions so far. We are happy to announce that the Committee has decided to extend the submission deadline until April 11th, 2021. Due to strict regulation our publisher Springer, we encourage you to submit your contribution as soon as you can. You can contribute to both regular tracks and special sessions. As a reminder, the suggested page limit for papers is 6 pages but the conference accepts papers up to 8 pages long. All accepted papers will be published in the Springer Series ACIT and indexed on SCOPUS and Web of Science.

  • Exceptional Keynote Speakers, cutting edge topics!!!

    The list of our Keynote speakers and the topics of their presentation are now available. You can check each of our honorable speakers and their topics by clicking on the "Program/KEYNOTE SPEAKERS" tab

  • Special Sessions/Tracks (Update)

    We are happy to announce that we have 30 confirmed special sessions and 19 confirmed special tracks for the APMS 2021 Conference. You can check the descriptions of all proposals by clicking on the "Program" tab

  • Paper submissions are now open !

    Authors can submit their papers as regular papers or choose among the special session/tracks. We remind you that paper submission deadline is March 21st, 2021

  • Special Sessions/Tracks

    Just a quick reminder that this is the last week to submit Special Sessions/Tracks proposal (Deadline February 21st, 2021).

Objectives and Scopes of APMS 2021

APMS 2021 brings together leading international experts on production systems and logistics from academia, industry, and government to discuss pressing issues in smart manufacturing, operations management, supply chain management, and Industry 4.0 in the Artificial Intelligence era. The conference features several sessions to discuss original, high-impact academic contributions, which will be published in the Springer Series ACIT and indexed on SCOPUS and Web of Science. World-renown industry leaders will share their industrial viewpoints and insights through industry keynotes. The conference is sponsored by the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP), and it is organized by the IFIP Working Group 5.7 on Advances in Production Management Systems established in 1978. The conference is also supported by two leading journals: the International Journal of Production Research (IJPR) and Production Planning & Control (PPC).


The program includes presentations and discussions of peer-reviewed papers, in addition to insightful keynote speeches. The program also includes special sessions that help raise visibility on focus topics in a particular scientific or applications area as well as a Doctoral Workshop that provides young researchers the opportunity to present research proposals. The Doctoral Workshop will be on September 5th, keynote speeches,  regular and special sessions from September 6th to September 9th.

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Key dates for papers and session proposals

February 21, 2021

Special session proposals

April 11, 2021

Submission of full papers

May 30, 2021

Notification of review results (round 1)

June 18, 2021

Submission of revised papers

June 22, 2021

Notification of review results (final)

July 2, 2021

Submission of camera-ready papers

July 9, 2021

Submission of Ph.D. Research Proposal

September 5 - 9, 2021

Conference dates
APMS2020 is hosted by IMT Atlantique and LS2N laboratory

APMS 2021 is hosted by IMT ATLANTIQUE , a French engineering school (Grande Ecole, a sort of Ivy League School), one of the leading French institutions of higher education and research in this field. It is ranked among the top 400 universities in the world in THE World University Ranking 2020, presents in four themes of the Shanghai ranking, and is in top 25 in U-Multirank on the number of joint publications with industrial partners. The School is a part of the National Institute of Science and Technology IMT.

Its cutting-edge research is carried out in joint research units with CNRS, Inria, INSERM, Centrale Nantes, University of Nantes, etc. The Department of Automation, Production and Computer Sciences (DAPI) is located on the Nantes Campus of IMT Atlantique. The department employs around one hundred and ten people, forty of which are Faculty Members. The research topics of DAPI include Control, Robotics, Operations Research, Industrial Engineering, Artificial intelligence, and Software Engineering. The Faculty members and PhD students of DAPI are members of the LS2N CNRS research laboratory



Advances in Production Management Systems